What factors do policy makers use to decide if COVID related lockdowns can be lifted?

Arvind Jha
2 min readMay 1, 2020

Have been reading up on what will be the key metrics to decide lockdown relaxation by policy makers.

While we are hearing about Red / Yellow / Green zones based on case density, what I learnt is two key R numbers relevant for any epidemic — R0 and Re.

R0 -The basic reproduction number. The number of people an infected person impacts at the start of an epidemic. So if at the start of Covid, if one person infected 2 others, R0 is 2.

If R0 > 1 in any population (at any geographical level), then cases will increase exponentially. If R0 <1, then spread is much slower and the virus may even die out.

R0 is an estimate based on data collected and models developed by experts.

· % of susceptible people and density of the population

· Infectiousness of virus

· Rate of recovery, death, period of infection-ability

Re — The Effective Reproduction Number. The number of people who can be infected by an affected person at any time (also called Rt).

As % of susceptible people falls (due to death, recovery), as some people get immunity, Re falls with time.

There is some interesting math to relate R0, Re to “Herd Immunity” and % of population that has to be immunised. I wont go into that. Interested folks can read here — https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/when-will-it-be-over-an-introduction-to-viral-reproduction-numbers-r0-and-re/

India’s R0 is around 1.3 to 1.5 range presently, as computed by some scientists. Link here — https://theprint.in/health/indias-r0-lowers-further-to-1-29-say-scientists-predict-covid-cases-at-30000-by-3-may/411421/

So can our policy makers risk lifting the lockdown with R0 > 1 ? Without significant testing in place? Without significant means to isolate / trace contacts in place?

My answer is NO. Lockdown will get extended to 3.0.

Lockdown 3.0 will have a long-term debilitating impact on our economy, jobs (expect many layoffs in May) and livelihoods unless our government moves fast and infuses massive liquidity / financial stimulus to get consumer demand / spend going.



Arvind Jha

Innovator. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Investor. Learner. Love technology, sports, arts and literature. Strive to be fair. http://t.co/UFEkCAnU